
Bridging Dreamers
and Developers

Refer friends & family

Earn upto
2 lakhs!

At RLD, we believe referrals are the foundation of our growing community Referring someone makes you a friend and supporter


Key to
Building Us

At RLD, we hold a profound belief that referrals are the stronghold on which our thriving community stands. When you take the initiative to refer someone to us, you inevitably become a friend, a well-wisher, and our support behind the creation of invaluable connections and the opening of doors to opportunities that might have remained hidden otherwise. With the vision of crafting an environment that radiates warmth, inclusivity, and the promise of belonging, we are creating a space for individuals from all walks of life.


We would be honored to help them find the perfect home and build a
strong relationship with them.

Simply fill out the form below and we will be in touch with
them shortly.

    Your Details

    Referee Details